Quality, environment and information security policy

At Rocket Digital, we create value through integrated solutions to offer a 360° experience focused on results. Our services, combined with the work of our teams, make Rocket Digital the ideal partner to execute the digital strategy tailored to the client's needs.

Our highly trained staff is made up of some of the best specialists, and their experience and good treatment are, without a doubt, the main guarantee of quality service and commitment to the environment.

This Policy establishes as its main axes the improvement of our clients' satisfaction with the aim of achieving a stable and collaborative relationship. Clients' expectations require compliance with their requirements, as well as those established by the organization itself and those related to service and the environment.

For our company, information protection seeks to reduce the impact generated on its assets by systematically identified risks in order to maintain a level of exposure that allows us to respond to the integrity, confidentiality and availability of the information, in accordance with the needs of the different interest groups identified.

Thus, the philosophy and basic objectives that will mark the direction of our organization will be:

• Ensure our clients the best possible service, applying ourselves to the maximum in the process of continuous improvement.

• Provides a framework for setting environmental objectives;

• Includes a commitment to environmental protection, including pollution prevention, and other specific commitments relevant to the organization's context;

• It is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization, including the nature, magnitude and environmental impacts of our activities, products and services

• The concept of customer service and full satisfaction that inspires this improvement process will also be reflected in our company, so that the internal actions of each person must in all cases pursue the satisfaction of the people or functions that follow them in the chain, using the results of their work.

• Compliance with legal requirements as well as those applicable to information security and implicit requirements that are applicable to us due to our activity.

• includes information security objectives or provides a framework for establishing information security objectives;

• Provide all staff with the level of training and learning necessary for the development of their activities related to service quality.

• Make quality and information security a basic element of the company culture.

Management will establish, within the company's general policy, the plans and resources necessary to achieve the objectives established in this policy, including a commitment to continuous improvement of the integrated management system of quality, environment and information security.

It is committed to promoting an understanding and dissemination of our policy within our organization, through training and ongoing communication with our employees and collaborators.

This Policy provides a framework for establishing and reviewing the system's objectives, being communicated to the entire Organization, exposed to all interested parties and reviewed annually for its adequacy when considered necessary.

In Madrid on June 15, 2021.