Making a difference in performance with Social Ads
From a humble crowdfunding campaign to establishing itself as a Spanish footwear brand. Discover how Morrison Shoes leveraged social ads to implement a sustainable sales funnel structure.
Client and Context
Morrison was born in 2016 from the dream of three friends who were passionate about footwear. Funded through crowdfunding, their mission has always been to create an authentic Spanish brand.
With bold, hand-crafted designs and attention to detail, their sneakers have become a reference in Spain, France and Germany, driven by a strategy based on social advertising.

Challenge: Increase both brand awareness and sales volume
The perfect balance between branding and performance strategies
Together with Rocket Digital, the company wanted to increase sales volume and keep its business healthy and sustainable. In addition to this more sales-oriented goal, Morrison wanted to keep the brand recognizable and “fresh” on social media by sharing creative and relevant content without being overly promotional at all times.
Horizontal scaling and creativity
Horizontal scaling
- In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, a horizontal scaling strategy was implemented.
- This plan allowed us to spread testing across multiple ad sets, audiences, and creative types with the overall goal of creating a more stable account structure for scalable, long-term success.
- We have therefore chosen not to use the budget as the only lever for social actions to increase sales volume and expand the business.
Full-Funnel Strategy
- A full-funnel strategy was implemented by creating campaigns with different but interrelated objectives. We created prospecting campaigns with the aim of combining brand awareness – exploiting detail-oriented creatives – and sales actions.
- These campaigns allowed us to obtain good transaction volumes while raising awareness and recognition of the brand in the field of social networks.
- To boost ROAS and keep marketing actions sustainable, we generated dynamic ads that allowed us to automatically display products that originally interested each user by taking advantage of the information retrieved by the Facebook pixel.
Avoid high frequency
By creating custom dynamic creatives through Smartly, we have been able to always deliver fresh content, keeping the impact frequency low without overwhelming our audiences.
- We implemented the same strategy in other European countries to discover new potential markets. We identified countries similar to those where we were already successful, and tested them with new audiences.
- By identifying additional countries, we were able to expand our audience and, consequently, our spending threshold, which in turn led to more sustainable sales volume.
- We duplicated our top performing ad sets and changed the country to the new country to test it.