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Rocket and GreenlandMX: Traffic Recovery for an eCommerce managed by Salesforce eCommerce

GREENLANDMX, one of the largest ecommerce of products for Motocross, Trial and Enduro at national level and with international presence, manages to improve its visibility in the search engine and organic traffic results thanks to the help of Rocket Digital's SEO team, implementing a strategy in 3 of its international domains: Germany, France and England.


GreenlandMX is one of the largest ecommerce of products for Motocross, Trial and Enduro at national level with online presence at international level. The website is managed by SalesForce Ecommerce, a very powerful web manager but that requires a high technical control.

In April 2019 they performed a migration of the website that involved changes in URL syntax, content structure and generation of new pages. The change of URL syntax was not controlled from the beginning and was more than 5 months without any kind of treatment, causing a very noticeable drop in traffic in the main focus countries.

In this case, we are going to take into account the domains of France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

ACTION PLAN: The case of France and Germany

The French and German domains had a considerable drop in visibility due to incorrect treatment during migration.

The action plan by ROCKET Digital begins in September 2019.

The first part of the action plan was aimed at resolving migration.

Once the problems were identified during the migration, ROCKET Digital started working on recovering the traffic that each of the affected domains had. The plan of action was as follows:

  1. Recovery of all old URLs. This recovery can be done through Google Analytics history, Google Search Console, Wayback Machine or directly from the client.

  2. A URL match was made between the old URLs and the new ones, both for categories and products.

  3. An ad hoc sitemap was created with the set of old URLs by language to upload it to Google Search Console. The goal was to make Google find those lost URLs again.

  4. The canonicals corresponding to the old URLs were implemented.

  5. Both the new and old sitemaps were included in the Robots.txt of each domain.

  6. Validated by Screaming Frog that there were no internal links on the new site to old URLs.

  7. The migration was performed correctly.

In an average time of 2-3 months the projects began to recover the traffic of yesteryear, with a growth that was not exponential, but rather gradual. This is due to the time that elapsed between the migration and the implementation of the treatment by Rocket Digital, more than three months without being controlled, which causes Google to have a slower URL recognition time.

The migration treatment was one of the most important points in terms of organic traffic growth. We knew that if we wanted to keep growing we had to start generating Quick Wins based on the context we had.

As mentioned above, the site is managed with SalesForce Ecommerce, a manager that causes many SEO errors if not properly controlled. This type of manager generates millions of URLs per parameter that can produce very important crawling and indexing problems. An example is the case of the French version, which generated more than 2.5M URLs that had to be managed.

When we are dealing with large projects, the technical part of SEO becomes relevant.

In order to solve these problems and improve the indexing and crawling part of the site we always cover the following technical elements

  1. Mapa del sitio.xml

  2. Robots.txt

  3. Hreflang

  4. Canónico

On the other hand, we started working on the SEO Onpage optimization of main categories and subcategories. Often, when working on international projects, the action of translating the content is very easy to execute, although we consider it to be a short-term solution. If we want to obtain good results in organic traffic from the content, we must generate content that is tailored to the society and culture of the country that meets their needs or search intent.

In this case, by resources, we get to work on the following aspects:

  1. Titles.

  2. Meta description.

  3. Content hierarchy.

  4. Headings.

  5. Content generation by priority.

RESULTS: Increased traffic, visibility, and conversions.

After a year of work, betting on the organic channel and being patient in a channel that we know has a medium and long term performance, the following results were obtained:

France case (November 2019 VS. November 2020):

  1. An organic traffic growth: +228% of users.

  2. Organic conversions growth: +144% of conversions.

  3. Revenue growth: +142% of revenue.

Germany case (November 2019 VS. November 2020):

  1. An organic traffic growth: +445% of users.

  2. Organic conversions growth: +211% of conversions.

  3. Revenue growth: +178% of revenue.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE: The United Kingdom case

The case of United Kingdom is different. We worked from the beginning on the optimization of the site at a technical and content level, covering the needs of this market. This domain started working in March 2019.

The needs were different, the goal was to grow organic traffic without a specific need for SEO migration. The actions implemented for the United Kingdom domain can be grouped with the actions presented above at the technical and SEO Onpage level for France and Germany. 

Considering the impact of the actions presented for the other focus markets, the strategy was to follow the same plan but addressing first the Onpage SEO actions and then the technical actions.

SEO Onpage actions addressed: 

  1. Titles.

  2. Meta description.

  3. Content hierarchy.

  4. Headings.

  5. Content generation by priority.

Technical actions addressed: 

  1. Sitemap.xml

  2. Robots.txt

  3. Hreflang

  4. Canonical


Once work began on this action plan, the results were obtained quickly, with the impact being seen from the start of the project in March 2020.

Growth data March 2020 vs. November 2020:

  1. Organic traffic growth: +300% of users.

  2. Organic conversions growth: +128% of conversions.

  3. Revenue growth: +494% of revenue.

Key Factors:

  1. Traffic analysis

  2. Action planning

  3. Contextualizing the project (Salesforce Ecommerce)

  4. Technical SEO elements

  5. Onpage SEO Elements

  6. SEO Migration

Why work with us?

Working with Rocket's SEO department will be a positive experience where the client will feel like they have an in-house organic SEO team that can solve more than just technical tasks. We will try to get into the kitchen with the marketing team in order to find business opportunities that make sense.

If these results have convinced you and you believe that our team of specialists can help you boost your business's online sales, do not hesitate to contact us!


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